The Team

The Team

Monday, 4 February 2013

4 x 7.5km Biathlon Relay

Carlos Pointer
Conditions ( Sunny, firm snow, around 5 - -5 degrees celsius)
Today was the 4 x 7.5km Biathlon Relay Race. Shooting format = prone, stand. However, in Biathlon relays, relay rounds are given. (An extra 3 rounds per shoot ). The team selected was...Frank Kelly, Steve Perry, Mat Bailey and myself (in race order).
Before the race had begun there were obvious signs of fatigue from the ferocious racing cycle. Can you think of any other sport that demands the sportsman/woman to complete 8 ardious races, within 13 days? :P

RHETORICAL QUESTION! ;) The answer is no :)
The relay races are very competitive! And the heat is always on for each team member selected to perform well! Ski fast and shoot straight as the Coach would say lol.
In the end we came top 10 out of 38 strong teams! Missing only 2 shots in total helped! Special shout out to Mat Bailey for his extra slick fast drills AND skills...Shooting all of his targets down with only a quick little breath inbetween in shoot. Impressive.

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