The Team

The Team

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Carl Pointer - Training Diary - 28/30 Sept 12

On Friday morning Grant and I ran a cross-country route, which we found online. Running at lvl 1 (often resulting in walking up some steep hills) we ran for aprox 2hours, feels good loosening off after yesterdays events lol

Friday afternoons body-weight pyramid circuit was another great success! Every time we complete the arduous circuit we've managed to increase the reps. Obviously we're doing something right!
Enough to pump us up for a Friday nights shady shenanigans :)
Sundays session at Huntly Ski Center was yet again another beasting! I always dread them, but feel amazing afterwards!
We completed 4 x 1km loop skating sprints, averaging at about 2mins 10secs and in between each 1km sprint we had the joy of having a 5min break. Which consisted of 5 second running sprints and 55 seconds rest. The running sprints help reduce the amount of lactate in the muscles, ready for the next skating skating sprint. (The horrible stuff that makes our bodies feel really heavy and sluggish.)
Our last training session of the day was lovely! A nice lvl 1 run around camp to just get rid of some stagnant lactic acid that remains in our muscles. It doesnt get much better than this. Unless of course we can start shooting! :)

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