Monday started off a little different because before
breakfast we went on a 40 minute run down the beach followed by 20 minute core
session lead by myself. After breakfast we went into our first training session
of the day which was a body weight pyramid circuit. First of all we worked on
our back doing pull ups followed by chest by doing push ups. To finish off we
went on to working on biceps, triceps and shoulders. After lunch we headed down
the gym for our second session and joined in with the spinning class. During
training we did different exercises including sprinting, squatting and even
doing push ups while still cycling. To finish we did a few hill climbs which
were tough but worked the legs well. After the session was finished we
performed some static stretches after a quick warm down. On Tuesday we had a
day off to recover, which meant a day of admin and squaring away paperwork, kit
etc. Wednesday started with morning mobility and then a core session before breakfast.
After we ate Carl and I then went on a 2 hour cross country run on a local
route by Lossiemouth. Being a level 1
run we ran the flats and down hills then walked the uphill parts. Throughout the
entire run we kept our heart rates to 60% of our max heart rates which for us
is about 120 bpm. For out afternoon session we headed down the local swimming
pool for a level 1 swim. This was a good change and allowed for our legs and
back to loosen off from the squat sessions we have been doing. We swam lengths
of the pool using front crawl and breast stroke mixing between the two and
changing every two lengths.
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