The Team

The Team

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Carl Pointer - Training Diary - 14/15 Oct 2012

On Sunday we pitched up at Huntly, failing to find anyone we returned back to camp and went skating for 2hrs. The Huntly session was only going to be a nice easy ski, so that's what we did! Focusing on gliding and getting over the ski, preparing for the snow in Nov! :D
In the Afternoon Grant and I went for a leisurely 45min run around Lossiemouth Sea front and back, lovely.
1 hour spinning - 10 litres sweat!!
Starting our day off with a 30min run, morning mobility, a 20min ab circuit (lead by myself) AND a press-up pyramid circuit. All before breakfast! It's such a great feeling having everybody looking at you, thinking, 'pounders!' While running in the pouring rain. If it ain't raining, it ain't training (cringe! Lol).
For our first session we hopped into our classic boots for a double pole/2 phasing without poles session at lvl 1. Skiing for a total of 1hr 30mins we threw in the towel and got ourselves showered and to the mess. I love my life!
Monday afternoon was very eventful, we tagged along with the spinnining session held
at RAF Lossimouth's gym. The session lasted just under an hour, but the sweat produced was immense! The more I take part in spinning, the more I love it. Cool tracks, sprints, squats and funny moves on a bike. Jealous?
Pics to follow...

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