The Team

The Team

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Grant Wilson - Training Diary - 17/18 Oct 2012

Monday morning started off with an hour and a half beach run at level 1 which got us to the lighthouse and back in Lossiemouth. Luckily the weather this time stayed pretty good for us, and we didn’t get soaked through. Being a nice day there were lots of dog walkers on the beach but one decided to try take Carl on, unfortunately for the dog it was a little ankle bitter and quickly ran off as we got closer.  For our afternoon session we headed down the gym for a squat session. For this we used medium weights and focused on performing each repetition with the best possible technique we could. In between each of the sets of squats we moved aside and performed some skipping then moved onto  shuttle runs. For our Thursday morning session we headed over to Huntly to join in with the ski club there. As a warm up we skated round the track about 4 times at a gentle pace just to get started. Once we completed that we continued round and for the last 10 metres of the track approaching the hut we performed some short sprints. We then moved onto the main body of the training session which was 4 sets of sprints with around a ten minute recovery in between. While everyone did three laps of the course, Myself, Carl and Mat performed four laps for each sprint effort. After a 20 min cool down which included easy skating and a few five metre sprints we headed back to base for our second session. We headed down the gym and set up a circuit which we performed 4 times round. The circuit we set up started with some explosive jumps then moved onto tricep dips. After that we moved onto balancing boards then performing the plank on more balance boards finishing up with some push ups. At each station we performed the exercise for 1 minute and at the end of completing the full circuit had a 2 min water break before going onto the next round.

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